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December 7, 2021

We’ve been enjoying flurries for the past several days, the ground is covered with the white stuff, and will be for the foreseeable future if the snow gods smile upon us!

But I am still locked in on the spectacular fall color we enjoyed here in northwest Montana this year. And though I can see the wisdom in painting by the mantra “less is more,” it is oftentimes equally true that “more is more.”

I rest my case!

Let's keep in touch,


November 30, 2021

Both Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso are said to have remarked that Paul Cezanne “is the father of us all.” Be that as it may, the post-impressionist was without a doubt the bridge between 19th and 20th century painting.

Art historians recognize him as the link between impressionism (Matisse) and cubism (Picasso.)

Cezanne’s paintings, particularly his landscapes (surprise, surprise) are a constant source of inspiration for me. And although his paint handling, color choices, and brushwork are fundamentally different from mine, we do wholeheartedly agree on one thing. Cezanne said, “If you see a tree, paint it bright red.” I concur!

Let's keep in touch,


November 24, 2021

This painting was in the background of a recent post. And since many of you asked about it, here it goes!

As you may remember, one of the attributes I look for in my finished work is warm/cool color contrast. Well, this painting not only has red (warm) against blue (cool) but goes one step further down the warm/cool path by introducing warm red next to cool red. The tension created by this combination is positively “jangly” in my opinion - highly activated, visually stimulating. What is “cool" red you may ask? Take a look, you’ll figure it out. That’s what I like about this painting!

Let's keep in touch,


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