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July 13, 2021

I just got back from a few days in Santa Fe with our daughter Sarsten. It was a red chile kind of long weekend. And, after tireless research, we’ve reconfirmed that the best red chile in town comes from the kitchen of The Shed, a long time favorite haunt of ours. AND, if the best red chile in the world comes from Santa Fe, and if the best red chile in Santa Fe comes from The Shed. Well, you can see where this train of thought is going.

My exhibition at Ventana Fine Art looks stunning, if I do say so myself! It’s alway gratifying to see my work beautifully hung on the walls of a great gallery.

If you’re not able to get to Santa Fe to see the show, tune in to on Thursday, July 15th for a virtual guided tour. Wolfgang Mabry and I will be taking a look at the paintings and chatting about the work.

Join us!

Let's keep in touch,


June 29, 2021

Here’s a new look to my landscape painting! This piece started out in a very different direction. As the painting progressed it seemed to need an unusual (for me) approach to bring it to a point where it resonated with a sense of place. The place being the view from a house Jackie and I rented years ago, just north of Santa Fe.

At the end of the day I believe art should please the eye. It sounds simple. And it could be the “newness” of this painting that I’m so attracted to, but I will say, it pleases MY eye immensely.

Let's keep in touch,


June 22, 2021

As you may have noticed, I seem to have a compositional predilection for a horizon line that hovers close to the top of the painting. Tell me why? I honestly don’t know. But I do know it's a fact!

Abstract landscape painting of thunder clouds over the prairie
Marshall Noice | Prairie Thunder | Oil on Canvas | 20x20"

However, from time to time the horizon slips toward the middle, or even, as is the case here, toward the bottom of the painting. I think for this work, "Prairie Thunder” I just needed to see more sky, more rolling thunder!

Stop by Ventana Fine Art on Canyon Road in Santa Fe and take a look at this cloud filled painting. If you stop by on July 9th we can take a look at it together! That would be better!


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