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October 21, 2020

Holy smokes, it's snowing like crazy! All of a sudden, and much earlier in the season than usual, I'm thinking about sharpening ski edges, dusting off the snowshoes, buying a new hockey stick, and making sure the snow plow blade is on the tractor!

Marshall Noice | First Snow | Pastel on Paper | 18x18" | 1,800.

Here's a pastel sketch I did LAST fall when the first snow arrived. As I recall it was late November, not the middle of October. I think it's going to be a great winter here in Northwest Montana! I'm going to stock up on hot chocolate.


October 13, 2020

Unseasonably cold and rainy here in Montana. It's, well, gray! Lucky for me gray has, over the last year or so, gone from a fastidiously avoided color to one of my favorites. I'm often layering cool Payne's Gray or warm Portland Gray over an underpainting in warm reds, oranges, yellows and magentas. Some days I paint some days I scumble!  But rest assured I'll be making marks on canvas rain or shine.

Here's what's on my easel today.

Marshall Noice | Birches On The Stillwater | Oil on Canvas | 48x48"

"If the rain comes they run and hide their heads.

They might as well be dead.If the rain comes, if the rain comes." ~ Lennon and McCartney


October 6, 2020

I’m currently surrounded by masks! Not just those worn by my fellow humans, but all sorts of mask centered artwork. Painting, photography, sculpture, drawing, collage, ceramics, all of these and more mediums are on display at Montana Modern Fine Art. Stop by the gallery or check out the show online

I think you will, like me, be amazed at the diverse approaches to creating mask based artwork. What a fun exhibition!


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