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Road Work

December 29, 2020

As predicted in my musings posted last week, time on the mountain HAS resulted in a couple paintings in soft Payne’s gray and Phthalo blues. Here’s one that I started on Christmas Day! Given the fact that I was free to do anything that struck my fancy on the big day, I chose to spend it engaged in what is perhaps my favorite activity, painting!

modern landscape painting, soft colors, trees
Snow Along 160, Dove Creek | Oil on Canvas | 48x48" | 9,300.

“Snow Along 160, Dove Creek” is a recollection from one of many trips across southern Colorado. I was certainly on my way from ‘Ol Montana to Santa Fe, most likely by way of Telluride. I can see hits of Cerulean Blue and Cadmium Green Light. Surprise, surprise!

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