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December 29, 2020

As predicted in my musings posted last week, time on the mountain HAS resulted in a couple paintings in soft Payne’s gray and Phthalo blues. Here’s one that I started on Christmas Day! Given the fact that I was free to do anything that struck my fancy on the big day, I chose to spend it engaged in what is perhaps my favorite activity, painting!

“Snow Along 160, Dove Creek” is a recollection from one of many trips across southern Colorado. I was certainly on my way from ‘Ol Montana to Santa Fe, most likely by way of Telluride. I can see hits of Cerulean Blue and Cadmium Green Light. Surprise, surprise!

Let's keep in touch,


December 22, 2020

I’m a firm believer in taking inspiration wherever you find it. I think my morning on the mountain with son-in-law Austin will result in some wonderfully soft colored paintings! Stay tuned for shades of Payne’s Gray with just a hint of Cerulean Blue and Cadmium Green Light.

How'd I ever come up with that idea!

Let’s keep in touch,


December 8, 2020

Hey pastel lovers. We have been busily framing smaller works just in time for holiday gift giving! Stop by the studio and take a look. We have a very nice selection

Small works, big color.

I can help tick off some names on your list.

Thanks (in advance) for your support of the arts!

Let's keep in touch,


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